Moving out is a
big decision!
Depending on your level of independence, you may wish to find your
own place to stay. It is important to discuss this with your family, since
moving out is a big decision that will affect all parties involved.
I know a 57 year-old man who still lives with his parents. His reason?
He's saved loads of money by not having to pay rent or a mortgage! So,
while moving out may be a neat way to experience life on your own,
you may want to think twice when it comes to the financial repercus–
sions on your pocket!
Renting a place, instead of owning it, is an option many teenagers or
people in their early twenties see as attractive. Renting is a flexible way
of living in your own place, since you can shop around and find a place
which you are able to afford; and payment is usually monthly for your
monthly lodging. Renting may seem attractive to you since it offers
more privacy, a more productive atmosphere for you, or simply a tem–
porary place to be closer to work. Remember, when you move out of
your family's home, you are now responsible for bills, groceries and all
the elements that make a place "home".